Karzhaubaeva Sangul

b. 1957

Karzhaubaeva Sangul Kamalovna. Doctor of Art History, Professor at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. 1980-1993 - the teacher of the highest category Theatre and decoration department of AHU named after N.V.Gogol, in 1993-1996 - the head of a cycle of ‘Painting’ in Republican art college, from 1996 - the teacher of department ‘Scenography’ KAZNAI named after T. Zhurgenov, in 1998-2002 - vice-president of MNZHFH ‘Tan-Sholpan’, in 1998-2004 - member of the Board of the Artists Union of Kazakhstan, in 2003 - associate professor of... далее

Works of the artist